Tutorly is a WordPress Marketplace Theme for Tutors. It is specifically designed as a complete Booking platform for starting your own booking market. There are lots of features in the theme.
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Plugins Included
Vibe Appointments
The Appointments addon with inbuilt booking system
The One App Social network platform for Apps
Vibe Earnings
The Commissions and payouts platform for VibeBP
The WordPress Social networking plugin.
The eCommerce platform for selling bookings.
Personal Calendar
Calendar where users manage their slots. Booking and appointments. The calendar automatically adapts to the local timezone and displays time slots accordingly. The calendar also detects device language and can be translated into device's language preference.
Booking Directory
Unique booking directory which allows you to select a tutor based on Date, time, booking price or any other profile parameter without any specific sequence.
Admin Calendar
The theme presents an Administrative Calendar for managing almost everything that is happening. From Slot creation in the particular service for an Instructor to assigning a slot to a student. Rescheduling slots, Reassigning to Instructor, Assign to a different service etc.
Universal App
Free apps for desktop, tablets and mobiles, for iOS, Android & Windows. For both tutors and students.
InBuilt CRM
The theme comes with inbuilt CRM. You can easily manage users, their fields and Profile information along with tagging of users.
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